Guhyagarbha Class – First Series (Enrollment Closed)

Current Status
Course ended

Average Review Score:
Clear understanding of the essence of GuhyagarbhaTantra

Although the text is deep and dense with tons of concepts and information, Lhoppön Rechungpa Rinpoche makes it so light and easy to understand!

Timely Teachings From A Truly Wonderful Teacher

I feel truly blessed to have to have received the Guhyagarbha teachings from Rinpoche at this time. He is true modern master capable of not only accurately sharing the meaning of these profound and ancient words, but also transmitting their essence and bringing them to life in the hearts and minds of his students. The world needs these teachings more than ever right now, and I grateful for Lhoppon Rinpoche dedicating his life to sharing and preserving them for all of us and the future generations to come.

Transformative Shedra topic

Essence of Clear Light by Mipham Jampal Gyepa’I Dorje taught by Lhoppon Rechungpa Rinpoche of Mipham Shedra has truly been transformative in providing a deeper understanding of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially, as a practitioner, in developing Valid Cognition and so confidence in Meditative Practice. I understand with greater clarity the importance of View in guiding Meditation and Post Meditation. I eagerly await both the upcoming Guhyagarbha Retreat and Fall 2024 Guhyagarbha Shedra program. I am humbly very grateful for this opportunity to study directly Lhoppon Rechungpa Rinpoche.


A truly amazing class by a genuine, remarkable master!

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