
Our Story

Mipham Shedra was founded by Lhoppon Rinpoche because he felt that Buddhist practitioners in the west lack the infrastructure and support that was taken for granted in Tibet and India. Among them are accessible qualified resident teachers and temples in convenient locations. With that in mind, Lhoppon procured a 7-acre property in Westminister, Colorado with the intention to build a temple where practitioners can study, contemplate and meditate.

In early 2020, we have obtained permission from the city council to build a small temple. The next phase will be to present our building proposal to the city. This plan will include constructing the driveway and parking lot, beautifying the landscape, and modifying the existing garage.

As much as we are excited about building a temple that will serve Buddhist practitioners for generations, the reality is that it takes money and effort to make that happen. As much as we believe in this vision, we understand that we cannot do it alone and need all the support we can get. Please check out the video below, explore what we do, get to know the teacher, and discover our plan for the temple. Hopefully, you can help us make this a reality for the community.

Thank you.