Special Guru Rinpoche Day

Please note the schedule for Guru Rinpoche Day, March 26th, has been changed in order to facilitate as many as possible attending a special day of pujas to celebrate the arrival our 108 new copper prayer wheels from Nepal!

This will no longer be a day-long event:

In the morning, there will be a smoke offering puja with our guest teacher Kundrol Rinpoche, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. You may bring an offering of fresh flowers if you wish.

The main prayer wheel consecration and tsok puja has been moved to the evening. We will have some of the prayer wheels unwrapped so that attendees may view and turn the wheels. From 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., we will have the prayer wheel consecration, practice Rigdzin Dupa puja, and enjoy a tsok feast. Lhoppön Rinpoche especially requests that all sangha members attend this evening puja if at all possible. Please bring a tsok offering (finger foods, no pork please).


In honor of our guest teacher, Kundrol Rinpoche, please dress formally or semi-formally.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Join us for this most auspicious occasion!

Kindly RSVP right away to info@miphamshedra.org if you will be attending either or both pujas.



Rigdzin Düpa, "The Gathering of Vidyadharas (Awareness-Holders)," is the inner lama practice from the Longchen Nyingtik, the terma revelation of Jikmé Lingpa.  In this practice Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) appears along with the White Princess Lha-cham Mandarava and the eight great Vidyadharas.