Shamatha & Vipassana Retreat
With Resident Teacher Lhoppön Rinpoche
Sat. Nov 7th thru Sun. Nov 8th , 2020
9:00 am – 4:00 pm each day
Online via Zoom, broadcast from
Mipham Shedra’s Main Temple
school of Vajrayana Buddhism, we will delve into experiential meditation practices. Those participating will have the opportunity to explore with Rinpoche what they are experiencing
through question and answer discourse.
Many have gone through a challenging year due to COVID-19, political issues, and natural disasters such as wildfires. This retreat will be dedicated to all those sentient beings who are struggling that they may experience calm, peace, and healing through our practices. It is from a deep connection with all beings that we practice, may love and compassion prevail.
PLEASE register ASAP by emailing [email protected]. Once your RSVP is confirmed we will send you the reading and prep information. Once your donation* is received you will be sent the zoom link.
*if you are unable to make full donation for this retreat, please let us know and arrangements can be made.
Suggested Donation:
$108 Members / $195 Public
Please RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected]
Reservations should be made by November 2nd to ensure attendees have time to receive and study prep materials.
Donations can be made below: