Sangha Gathering & Potluck for Rinpoche's Departed Father 8/25/2018
Tashi Delek Friends, Supporters, and Sangha,
Please join us Saturday, August 25th, from 5 to 8 p.m. at our Westminster temple for a prayer service for Lhoppön Rinpoche's dear departed father. Your families are likewise invited.
Rinpoche will also be presenting a photo journal of the history of Mipham Shedra, including his recent visit to India.
Attendees should wear semi-formal dress for this occasion (no jeans, t-shirts, shorts, etc.). Video footage of our sangha gathering will be recorded and we want to look inspiring and upbeat!
Rinpoche will be preparing us to receive visiting teachers (i.e., proper decorum and etiquette).
There will be a pot-luck meal; please bring your favorite dish to share.
Please RSVP with the number of family members you'll bring to [email protected] soon!