Rigdzin Düpa Retreat

with Resident Teacher Lhoppön Rinpoche

Rigzdin Düpa

Saturday, June 27th &
Sunday, June 28th 2020
9:00 am - 4:00pm

Online via Zoom, broadcast from
Mipham Shedra Main Temple

We understand many are struggling due to the pandemic.  Again we will be offering this retreat free of charge. If you can donate please help as much as you can.

Please RSVP as soon as possible to:

Registration closes 7 days before first class

Donations for this retreat may be made below.

Amount: USD

During the retreat, we will practice and study the Rigdzin Düpa sadhana performed every month at Mipham Shedra. “The Gathering of the Vidyadharas” is the inner lama practice from the Longchen Nyingtik, the terma revelation of enlightened master Jikmé Lingpa.