Losar Celebration Week


Tuesday Feb 18th - Monday Feb 24th

Join Lhoppön Rinpoche for a week of purification and blessing practices leading up to Losar.

Vajrakilaya is a wrathful form of Vajrasattva. This practice clears obstacles from the past year, allowing for fresh start to the new year. Rinpoche strongly encourages all students to participate as much as possible in these powerful practices, which will benefit the upcoming year.



Please contemplate and write up to three obstacles encountered over the ending year on a very small piece of white paper to be burned in a ceremonial fire for Gutor.
Your donation generously shared at the end serves as an offering which increases the effectiveness of the practice.

RSVP required for Gutor and Losar, contact: info@miphamshedra.org

Vajrakilaya Practice One        Tuesday Feb 18th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

----Silver "2" room,  Broomfield Community Center, 280 Spader Way, Broomfield, CO  80020

Vajrakilaya Practice Two          Wednesday Feb 19th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

---- Lakeshore room "2", Broomfield Community Center, 280 Spader Way, Broomfield, CO 80020

Vajrakilaya Practice Three       Thursday Feb 20, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

---- Silver room 6-8pm, Broomfield Community Center, 280 Spader Way, Broomfield, CO 80020

Vajrakilaya Practice Four          Friday Feb 21, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

---- Lakeshore room "3", Broomfield Community Center: 280 Spader Way, Broomfield, CO  80020

Vajrakilaya Retreat                    Saturday & Sunday Feb 23th - 24th , 9:00am - 4:00pm each day

----Sat Feb 22,  Broomfield Community Center - Kiva Room, 280 Spader Way, Broomfield CO 80020

----Sun Feb 23, Legacy Ridge Clubhouse, 10515 N. Stuart St., Westminster CO 80031

Gutor Festival                            Sun Feb 23, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm ( following Vajrakilaya Retreat) RSVP to info@miphamshedra.org, Legacy Ridge Clubhouse, 10515 N. Stuart St., Westminster CO 80031

Losar Festival                              Mon Feb 24, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

----The Meditation Place: 324 Main St, Longmont, CO 80501 (alley entrance).


Mipham Shedra promotes the preservation and practice of Tibetan
Buddhism for the benefit of all sentient beings.