Instructions On How to Register For Courses & Events

Below are the instructions for how to register for Courses & Events on the Member’s Portal of the Mipham Shedra website. As always, if you encounter any difficulties, please email us at

Note: This document provides only a summary of the process of registering for courses and events. It is designed primarily for members who are already quite comfortable on a computer. If you are less comfortable with computers and doing things online, we highly suggest you watch the video that accompanies these instructions. The video will give you more in-depth information about how to register, and will make it easier for you to follow along.


Step 1: Log into Your Account and Navigate to the Courses & Events Page
Go to the Mipham Shedra website:
From the navigation bar at the top of your screen, select “Login.”
Log into your Member’s Account: Enter your username or email address and password and hit “Login.”
From the navigation bar at the top of the page, select “Courses and Events.”
Scroll further down the page to view the courses and events offerings.


Step 2: Review Course Offerings
We currently offer two courses: the Puja Pass, and the Sunday Morning Teachings & Meditation with Rinpoche. For each course, you can choose from three different options:
• A one-month subscription
• A one-year subscription (billed monthly)
• A day pass for a single class, that’s good for 24 hours from enrollment
Member Discounts on Courses & Events: Mipham Shedra membership gives you access to member discounts on all courses and events. The suggested donation shown are for nonmembers. The one exception to this is for the yearly subscription for both courses. In this case, both members and non-members are encouraged to make the same low suggested donation. You’ll discover how to access the member discount codes later in these instructions.


Step 3: Familiarize Yourself with the Support Form
If you need support registering for courses and events, please click on the red button toward the top of the page called “Request Support.” It’s the fourth red button in the column of red buttons.
Complete the support form, and don’t forget to hit the Submit button! A member of our team will be in touch with you to assist you. Alternately, you can email with any questions or concerns.


Step 4: Review Course Information
Return to the Courses & Events main page.
Scroll down to the course offerings again.
You’ll notice that each course is displayed in a rectangular box, which is called a”thumbnail.” The thumbnail shows the course name, image, description, and suggested donation amount (the “price”). Due to a limitation in the portal software we are unable to remove the term “price.” Please know that the “prices” listed are merely suggested donation amounts.
Click on the thumbnail(s) for the courses you are interested in. Please familiarize yourself with the contents of the course page(s).
You will notice:
• A description of the course
• The suggested donation amount for members and non-members
• A series of links to blogposts on our website that relate to the course
• The Course Content, which you will click on to access the Zoom links, recordings, and course materials for each part of the course.


Step 5: Get Member Discount Code
Once you’ve decided which courses you’d like to register for, return to the main Courses & Events page. Scroll up and select “Get Member Discount Code,” which is the first in the column of four red buttons at the top of the page.
Copy the member code that applies to the course you wish to take. You can either use your mouse to do this, or write down the code on a piece of paper. If you write the code down, please copy it exactly, observing upper or lower case letters.


Step 6: Enroll in the Course(s) of Your Choice and Complete Your Purchase in You PayPal Account
Return to the main Courses and Events page.
Scroll down to the course you wish to take and hit “Enroll Now.” Then select “Take This Course.” This will take you to the registration page for the course.
Paste your member code in the white coupon box, or simply type it in. Hit “Apply Coupon.”
Check your subtotal to make sure coupon was correctly applied. Hit “Take This Course.” This will take you to you PayPal account.
Select the credit or debit card you wish to use to complete your purchase. Hit “Complete Purchase.” You will see your PayPal receipt appear. You will also receive a copy of this receipt in your email account, as well as a separate receipt from Mipham Shedra for your donation. Both your PayPal and Mipham Shedra receipts will indicate exactly which program your donation was for.

Note: If you would like to purchase more than one course, you must go through Steps 5 & 6 individually for each course. You cannot accumulate courses in a shopping cart and purchase them all at the same time.


Step 7: Familiarize Yourself with the Components of the Course You Purchased
Hit “Return to Merchant” on your PayPal receipt page, and return to the Courses and Events main page. When you scroll down now to the course that you just made a donation for, the orange button for that course should say, “Continue Study,” instead of “Enroll Now.”
a) Locate the Zoom Links, and Course Materials for Each Lesson in the Course: The Course Content section at the bottom of the course page will now be “clickable” and you will be able to click on the different events, or lessons for the course. Click on one of the lessons, and you will
see the Zoom links for the live class, and course materials if applicable. Once the live class has past, the Zoom link will be replaced with a recording of the class. Recordings are nondownloadable.


Step 8 (Optional): Access Work/Study Exchange and/or Financial Aid Forms
If you require financial assistance, you can request work exchange or financial aid by using the new forms available on the Courses & Events page. Scroll up toward the top of the page and select from the middle two red buttons in the column of red buttons. These buttons are for “Request Financial Assistance,” and “Request Work/Study Exchange.” Please complete the form for either work/study exchange or financial aid, and hit the submit button.

Note: Mipham Shedra does not currently offer partial financial aid or partial work/study exchange. If you choose to use either one of these programs, you are applying for full work/study or full financial aid. If you wish to make a donation to the Mipham Shedra general fund, you may do so on the Giving page of the website here: Rinpoche strongly encourages members to apply for work/study exchange to cover the cost of the suggested donation if at all possible, rather than financial aid. Work/study exchange allows
for the exchange of something of value—namely, your skills and abilities—for the teachings, which is of benefit to the students. If possible, please request work/study exchange to cover the cost of the suggested donation. If you are unable to engage in work/study exchange, financial assistance is also available. Don’t forget to hit the submit button on your work/study exchange or financial aid form! Make sure you see a screen appear that says “Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you shortly.”


Step 9: Locate Your Course & Event Library in Your Account Profile
To keep track of all of the courses and events you are currently registered for, select “Account Profile” from the navigation bar at the top of your page, and scroll down to the bottom of the Account Profile page. There you will see a list of your courses and events. You can click on the link to any of your courses from your Account Profile page.


Step 10: Discover Where to Leave a Teacher’s Gift on the Website
It is customary to make a teacher’s gift to Rinpoche at the conclusion of a course. To do so, from the navigation bar, select “Teacher's Gift.” This will take you to the page where you can make a donation for the teacher’s gift, which goes directly to Rinpoche. Enter the amount of your choice in the PayPal window and hit “Donate.”

Thank you for taking the time to register for courses and events at Mipham Shedra!
The Member’s Portal Planning Committee