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Welcome to Mipham Shedra Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center!
If you’d like to get to know Rinpoche and his teachings, a great place to start is to attend the Sunday Morning Teachings and Meditation. For a free trial of this very special class, please enroll by clicking on the orange “Enroll Now” button below:
Note that the free trial expires 6 days after the enrollment date.
Sunday Morning Teachings And Meditation With Rinpoche - Free Trial
One free-of-charge trial for first time visitor.

Step-by-step Instructions to Register and Enroll for the Free Trial
Click on “Enroll” button below. This will take you to the course enrollment page
If you do not have an account or not logged in, you will see the “Login to Enroll” button. Click on that button

If you already have an account, go ahead and login with your username and password. If you forgot your password, use the “Lost Your Passowrd” link to reset your password.
If you are new and do not have an account, click the “Register an Account” button to register for an account.

If you click on the Register an Account button, it will take you to the form shown on the right. Go ahead and fill in the form to register and create a login with a username and password.
Once you register, you can then login using the newly created username and password.

Once you login, you will see the “Take this Course” button. Click that button to take that course.
You should see the course added in the “Account Profile” tab. Note that the Account Profile tab only appears if you are logged in.
You can click on the course and access the zoom link for the Sunday Morning Teachings and Meditation.