Extended Vajrakilaya Retreat

with Resident Teacher Lhoppön Rinpoche



Feb 8th thru 11th , 2021
10:00 am - 4:00 pm each day



Online via Zoom, broadcast from
Mipham Shedra’s Main Temple


Please RSVP as soon as possible to

Donations may be made at:

Reservations should be made by January 25th to ensure attendees have time to receive and study prep materials

Our Resident Teacher Lhoppön Rinpoche especially requests his students that have received the empowerment for the practice to attend as much as possible.

We will be guided in the practice of “Vajrakilaya” before Tibetan New Year, to purify obstacles, delusion, and negativity that sometimes arise in the lives of dharma practitioners. This enables students to enter the upcoming year cleansed, refreshed, and renewed. The month before Losar, classes will be offered during public meditations on the practice of Phurba. This prepares the sangha to practice with greater understanding.

Amount: USD