Support Us
Your donations will help Lhoppön Rinpoche’s Vision and Mission of promoting the preservation and practice of Tibetan Buddhism become a reality for the benefit of all beings and help perpetuate Buddha Shakyamuni’s unbroken transmission lineage. Donated funds will go towards maintaining Mipham Shedra and all that it requires.
1. Membership – As a supporter of Mipham Shedra, you become an integral part of our Sangha and its blessings. Your membership supports the Temple, our teachers, and continuing education.
2. Support Mipham Shedra Fund – This fund supplements our membership dues to pay for Mipham Shedra expenses.
Note: Do not make donations for courses and events here. Your donation will not be credited toward your course or event. This PayPal donation link is for general donations only. To make your donation for courses and events, please go to the Courses & Events tab, select the program you wish to take by clicking on “Enroll Now–>Take This Course.” Then, make your donation in the PayPal window associated with that program.
Mipham Shedra is a 501(c) non-profit organization in good standing.